quarta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2011

Private Moon

A Lua sempre foi uma grande inspiração e admiração para o ser humano. Com ela, o artista russo Leonid Tishkov e o fotógrafo Boris Bendikov criaram uma série de fotografias de tirar o fôlego, intitulada Private Moon. A instalação romantizada é poema visual. As fotos narram a história de um homem que encontra a Lua caída do céu e fica com ela para o resto de sua vida. O projeto existe desde 2005 e o artista continua postando novas imagens e atualizações no seu blog.
Lindo trabalho, não?
"In the upper world, in the attic of his house, he saw the Moon which had fallen from the sky. 
At first she was hiding from the sun in a dark, damp tunnel and was constantly frightened by the passing trains. Then she came to the house of the man. Wrapping the moon in a thick blanket, he gives her autumn apples and drinks tea with her. When she finally recovers he puts her on a boat and carries her across a dark river to a high bank, where moon pine-trees grow. He descends to the lower world wearing the clothes of his deceased father and then returns, illuminating the way with his private moon. Transcending the borders between worlds via narrow bridges, sinking into sleep, taking care of the heavenly body, man turns into a mythological being living in the real world like in a fantastic fairy-tale."

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